It's partly because I have a soft spot for Japan. I love most things Japanese. Their food is tasty, their mangas are good, their games are tops, their woman are beautiful, and their culture is profound and deep. They seem like a genuinely nice bunch of people. They may have been fuckers back in the 1940s, but now, they're alright.
So when the earthquake struck them, I couldn't help but think that..."They don't deserve to be struck by an earthquake, man," But then again, that's life for you. Life happens, sometimes, without explanations. It's like how we can't stop the rain from falling, or the sun from shining. Sometimes, things just happen.
There's been an outpouring of grief and sympathy online, on facebook, on twitter, and all. It's good, but I doubt it's enough. Japan's not gonna rebuild itself on words, prayers, thoughts. Don't get me wrong; your sentiments are appreciated. I'm sure if I'm in Japan right now, it'll touch my heart that the whole world is on our side. But if you really want to help, you can make a monetary donation at:
IFRC, or the International Federation for Red Cross and Crescent Societies for long, is the international umbrella under which all Red Cross and Crescent arms fall under. They accept international credit cards. Spare Japan some money! Consider all the free manga, porn, games that you have "ripped" from Japan...a small sum isn't too much to ask for. Billions of dollars in damages man. Check out this pictures:

Yeah, it's pretty bad. I'm gonna go on a rant here for awhile, about two things: #prayforjapan, and priorities.
I'm getting sick of this #prayforjapan thing. I'm not religious at all, and I'm happy I'm not. I don't force myself upon other people, but sometimes, I can't get behind their thought process at all. So you want to #prayforjapan...but isn't it HIS fault in the first place? I'm sure in Japan, there's a fucking shitload of people praying everyday that they will be safe and that they will see tomorrow, and that there WON'T be an earthquake. But did HE listen? No.
So really, at the end of the day, what's the point of praying? As far as I'm concerned, praying is the same thing as wishing. The only difference is that there is no lamp and there is no genie and there is no magic carpet.
Now let me let off some steam about another subject. Priorities. I posted the IFRC link on Facebook yesterday morning. But nobody 'liked' it (but for one person, she's the best). Nobody even 'commented' on it. I first posted it yesterday morning, but I reposted it yesterday evening when more people were online. Still, no reaction. WTF.
The other day, I posted this up: Facebook asks me what's on my mind and what I'm planning, knows who all my friends are, and asks me to check in from time to time. Facebook is my girlfriend.
That got 15 'likes'. My post about how to help Japan? Nothing. Fuck. What's wrong with this world. Does nobody care much? Or is it that...people pray, and they think that that's enough?
I don't have any answers. #hopeforjapan
raymond i liked your japan post!!!!!!! hahaha what is this i liked the one on red cross right...
ReplyDeleteanyway.......... you've put across a really good point, about the whole why are we praying even though japan happen until like that still pray for what (pardon my engrish). and tbh, as a christian, im afraid whatever im gonna say next is just gonna get slammed down by you cos im really bad in this kinda religious defending and what not. i guess all i wanted to say is prayers are not guaranteed by God; but it lets Him know what we're thinking. i know this is SUCH an irrelevant reply but idk i just can't look pass this post without expressing my view even though my view is really damn lame but whatever la hor! hahaha. i'll still be praying for japan no matter how that may seem i suppose.
ok la enough of this I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL :) havent read your blog for so long!